Rocket.Surgery.Azure.Storage.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
AzureStorageExtensions AzureStorageExtensions.
ComplexTableEntity ComplexTableEntity.
Extensions Static class containing extension methods to configure Json.NET for Noda Time types.
InstantPatternConverter A JSON converter for types which can be represented by a single string value, parsed or formatted from an NodaTime.Text.IPattern`1.
NodaDateTimeZoneConverter Json.NET converter for NodaTime.DateTimeZone.
NodaMultiplePatternConverter<T> A JSON converter for types which can be represented by a single string value, parsed or formatted from an NodaTime.Text.IPattern`1.
OffsetDateTimePatternConverter A JSON converter for types which can be represented by a single string value, parsed or formatted from an NodaTime.Text.IPattern`1.