Rocket.Surgery.Conventions.Abstractions.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
AfterConventionAttribute An attribute that ensures the convention runs after the given IConvention
AssemblyCandidateFinderExtenisons Extension methods for IAssemblyCandidateFinder
BeforeConventionAttribute An attribute that ensures the convention runs before the given IConvention
ConventionAttribute An attribute that defines a convention for this entire assembly The type attached to the convention must implement IConvention but may also implement other interfaces Implements the System.Attribute
ConventionContextExtensions Base convention extensions
ConventionHostBuilderExtensions Base convention extensions
DelegateOrConvention A pattern match class that is used to determine if a type is a IConvention, a Delegate or None Implements the DelegateOrConvention
DependencyDirection Defines the dependency direction of the given type
DependentOfConventionAttribute An attribute that ensures the convention runs before the given IConvention
DependsOnConventionAttribute An attribute that ensures the convention runs after the given IConvention
HostType The underlying host type (currently only checked for test host) This is so that conventions can avoid adding behaviors that might cause issues with unit testing such as writing to the console or debug pipes, or ensuring that something is configured in a correct way for testing. Careful consideration is needed to make sure that your system doesn't behave extremely differently in a live scenario vs a testing scenario
LiveConventionAttribute Defines this convention as one that only runs during live usage to avoid unit tests
RocketEnvironment RocketEnvironment. Implements the IRocketEnvironment
RocketEnvironmentExtensions Extension methods for IRocketEnvironment.
RocketEnvironments Rocket Environments.
UnitTestConventionAttribute Defines this convention as one that only runs during a unit test run

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IAssemblyCandidateFinder An assembly candidate finders Users a given name of an assembly to find other assemblies that reference it.
IAssemblyProvider A provider that gets a list of assemblies for a given context
IConvention A marker interface to indicate a type is a convention
IConvention<TContext> A default interface that can be used to create a convention with a known context type context is used to house all the data that the convention requires to do it's job This can be things like a service collection, container builder, logger, etc. Implements the IConvention
IConventionBuilder<TBuilder, TConvention, TDelegate> IConventionBuilder Implements the IConventionContainer<TBuilder, TConvention, TDelegate>
IConventionComposer Takes a list of conventions and composes them with the given context Implements the IConvention<TContext>
IConventionComposer<TContext, TContribution, TDelegate> A composer that allows registration of delegates and interfaces that implement an interface like the delegate Implements the IConvention<TContext>
IConventionContainer<TBuilder, TConvention, TDelegate> IConventionContainer
IConventionContext The base context marker interface to define this as a context
IConventionDependency Ensures the convention runs after the given IConvention
IConventionHostBuilder IConventionHostBuilder
IConventionProvider IConventionProvider
IConventionScanner The convention scanner interface is used to find conventions and return those conventions in order they are added.
IRocketEnvironment IRocketEnvironment
IServiceProviderDictionary IServiceProviderDictionary Implements the System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2 Implements the System.IServiceProvider