Rocket.Surgery.Nuke Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
ComputedGitVersionAttribute Injects an instance of Nuke.Common.Tools.GitVersion.GitVersion based on the local repository.
DownloadFileAttribute Injects the path to the downloaded package icon.
EnsureGitHooksAttribute Ensures that the given git hooks are defined in the .git directory
EnsurePackageSourceHasCredentialsAttribute Ensures that the package source name has credentials set This is useful to ensure that credentials are defined on a users local environment
GitHook The allows git hooks
MSBuildBinaryLogImports What files to include in the binary log
NuGetVerbosityMappingAttribute Mapping for nuget Verbosity
PackageIconAttribute Injects the path to the downloaded package icon.
RocketBoosterBuild Base build plan and tasks.
RocketBoosterBuild<T> Base build plan and tasks
SolutionExtensions Extensions for finding projects in solutions
ToolSettingsExtensions Custom msbuild helper extensions

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IRocketBoosterBuild<T> Base build plan and tasks
