RocketBoosterBuild<T> Class


Base build plan and tasks
graph BT Type-->Base0["NukeBuild"] Type-.->Interface0["IRocketBoosterBuild<T>"] Type-.->Interface1["IRocketBoosterBuild"] click Interface1 "/api/Rocket.Surgery.Nuke/IRocketBoosterBuild" Type["RocketBoosterBuild<T>"] class Type type-node Derived0["XamarinBuild"]-->Type click Derived0 "/api/Rocket.Surgery.Nuke.Xamarin/XamarinBuild" Derived1["RocketBoosterBuild"]-->Type click Derived1 "/api/Rocket.Surgery.Nuke/RocketBoosterBuild" Derived2["DotNetCoreBuild<T>"]-->Type click Derived2 "/api/Rocket.Surgery.Nuke.DotNetCore/DotNetCoreBuild_1" Derived3["MSBuild<T>"]-->Type click Derived3 "/api/Rocket.Surgery.Nuke.MsBuild/MSBuild_1"


public abstract class RocketBoosterBuild<T> : NukeBuild, IRocketBoosterBuild<T>, 
    IRocketBoosterBuild where T : Configuration


Type Description
NuGetVerbosityMappingAttribute Mapping for nuget Verbosity

Type Parameters

Name Description



Name Value Summary
ArtifactsDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where artifacts are to be dropped
BuildVersion Target
prints the build information.
Clean Target
clean all artifact directories
Configuration T
Configuration to build - Default is 'Debug' (local) or 'Release' (server)
CoverageDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where coverage artifacts are to be dropped
Force bool
Force a clean build, otherwise leave some incremental build pieces
Generate_Code_Coverage_Reports Target
This will generate code coverage reports from emitted coverage data
GenerateReadme Target
Loops through the Readme to update sections that are automated to give nuget packages, build histories and more, while keeping the rest of the readme correct.
GitRepository GitRepository
The Git Repository currently being built
GitVersion GitVersion
The Git Version information either computed by GitVersion itself, or as defined by environment variables of the format `GITVERSION_*`
Lint Target
Applies code cleanup tasks
LintFiles string[]
The files to lint, if not given lints all files
LintProfile string
The files to lint, if not given lints all files
LogsDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where logs will be placed
NuGetPackageDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where nuget packages will be placed
OutputDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where packaged output should be placed (zip, webdeploy, etc)
PublishDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where publish output should be placed
Readme ReadmeUpdater
The readme updater that ensures that all the badges are in sync.
SampleDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where samples will be placed
Solution Solution
The solution currently being build
SourceDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where sources will be placed
TemplatesDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where templates will be placed
TestDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where tests will be placed
TestResultsDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where test results will be placed
TestsDirectory AbsolutePath
The directory where tests will be placed

Extension Methods